June 28, 2010

Love/Don't Love

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

I'm linking up with Carissa for Miscellany Monday today! Let me know what you think!
[1] I moved out of my first apartment yesterday. It's bittersweet. I'm so happy to be out of Boston though. Love.
[2] I'm temporarily living at my mom's until I move to NY next month and am therefore living out of suitcases and boxes scattered throughout the house. Don't Love.
[3] I'm officially no longer in a long-distance relationship. Love.
[4] As much as moving is a huge pain in the @$$, I had such a fun weekend moving. It wasn't stressful at all and my mom and The Pilot were a huge help. Love.
[5] I've been super stressed and angry lately and I'm realizing it has everything to do with the fact that I'm not running. I'm praying for a good MRI read from the doctor today. Will keep you all posted! Don't Love.
[6] Being in New Jersey and living out of boxes and out of my mom's refrigerator has put my eating habits into a weird funk. I haven't been eating right and I've been losing weight and not exercising and all of that needs to change because it's contributing to my stress and general unpleasantness. Don't Love.
[7] I started my morning with a Kale & Cheddar omelet with fresh pineapple and toast so I can try and get out of said funk. Love.
[8] I have an amazing week ahead and I'm so excited for it. It will be filled with all things summer. Love.
[9] I'm mingling over at Life of Meg for Mingle Mondays! Don't forget to stop by today!
Here's what I'm looking forward to this week:
  • Baseball
  • The Beach
  • Watermelon
  • Ice Cream
  • Fireworks
  • Sun Dresses
  • My All-Time Favorite Band
  • College Friends who I haven't seen in way too long
What are you looking forward to?

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